It’s the word that makes you wince if it’s about you and smile if it’s for the ladies… I mean if men were supposed to be waxed, we would have been created pretty much hair free, right?
But enough philosophising, this is about things to do for the man of the moment, things that he’ll never forget and memories he’ll take with him for the rest of his life… the type of memories only a bucks party waxing prank can provide!
Bucks party waxing prank
Those three little words – back, crack and sack – will bring tears to your eyes when you see the groom-to-be having the Amazon forest ripped from his body. But it will also find that part of you that you know is wrong, but can’t help but be intrigued and amused.
There will probably be a few uncomfortable sniggers as the tension builds as hot wax is spread over the offending areas. But don’t despair, this will convert into a crowd-wide roar of laughter as the blood-curdling scream comes from the buck.
If you’re going to do this, make sure you get some professionals in. While it’s fun to see the silky smooth complexion that’s been hidden since puberty kicked in, it’s not so much fun to see rivers of blood that can start flowing if the hair is removed along with the first five layers of skin.
Feature image: This bucks party prank might need a ‘professional’ to make sure he just loses the hair, and not four pints of blood as well… (Pic: 40 Year Old Virgin)
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