Carlsberg celebrates standing up for a friend

25 Jul 2022 2 min read No comments Ideas and Guides
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Now, here’s a test of friendship if we’ve ever seen one, and it’s all about standing up for a friend. In commercials from the early twenty-teens, Carlsberg put friendship to the test by setting-up unsuspecting people to believe their best friends are in trouble to see how they would respond, because standing up for a friend is important and helps the world go round.

Now, you might wonder why we’ve included decade-old TV commercial in our ideas and advice? Well, it’s for two reasons

  1. The bucks needs people like the mates at the end of the HELP! call at his bucks party. These are these are the people that will make real memories for the Buck and make the bucks party the best time of his life before the best day of his life.
  2. the Standing up for a Friend concept is actually a pretty good idea for a bucks party prank. If you’re an organised best man, perhaps you could set up a stunt like this… with the HELP call coming from the best man (or even the fiancee if you’re game??) to see how the Groom reacts. We reckon the’d be a memory he’d take with him for ever!!
Would the Groom's mates get a pat-down like this fella in Carlsberg's celebration of Standing up for a Friend?
Would the Groom’s mates get a pat-down like this fella in Carlsberg’s celebration of standing up for a friend?

Standing up for a Friend

This particular ad in the Standing up for a Friend series tested how a mate would respond to a HELP! call in the wee hours of the morning.

The story line goes like this:

  • A guy calls a mate late at night
  • He tells the mate he’s in trouble, needs money to pay off some bad dudes at a bootstrap poker game
  • The mate, if he’s worth his mustard, agrees to help him out
  • But not before traipsing a minefield of oddities
  • The mate negotiates the minefield, lays the dosh on the table
  • And everyone celebrates with a Carlsberg
Would the Groom's mates get a pat-down like this fella in Carlsberg's celebration of standing up for a friend?
Here’s cheers after showing that they are the king of mate that would stand up for them in even dire circumstances

And the oddities are interesting and create an environment that’d test the most robust members of your friendship circle:

  • Pat-downs from a burly door-man
  • once in the door, it’s straight up illegal bare-knuckle fighting
  • then they get cocks flying in their face (that’s cock fighting you dirty bastard)
  • balls of flames bellowing from the kitchen (actually, it could be an Uber Eats setup)
  • a screaming woman in a satin dressing gown barges through the door
  • and then there’s the weird old guy in the elevator that takes them up to the poker room.

Once the friend lays the $$ on the table, the curtains drop to reveal a whole bunch of people cheering them on… and then share a Carlsberg. And rightly so because mate does this for you, then they deserve to be cheered and be given a beer… and maybe made your best man??!?

What would you do, and do you reckon you could pull this off as a bucks party prank?? Watch the ad while you think about that.

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